Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Birthday Gift Exchange...yeah presents!

I am pretty sure I only have brilliant friends, so explaining how this works would only insult you. With that I will say just this:

1. Yes, I did actually put all the names on small slips of paper and draw them from a box.
2. The gf listed on the left buys for the gf listed on the right.
3. Remember, we are traveling...so as much as I would love that industrial size Kitchen Aid Mixer, I think it would not be logical.

April - Shannon

Heather - Megan

Katherine - Laura

Stacie - Katherine

Shannon - Heather

Megan - April

Laura - Lisa

Lisa - Stacie


2008 HOV Cook Book

The amazing and talented Shannon has an amazing idea and I am so very excited about it!

With our help (hint, hint) she will be putting together our very own HOV Cook Book! That being said we decided as an incentive anyone contributing will receive a cook book...so those that don't will be missing out.

April, I know it goes without saying that we need your Drunk Chicken recipe and Heather do I recall an exciting Chocolate Soup or something of the sorts from your kitchen? Either way...everyone NEEDS to contribute. EVERYONE! And don't be afraid, more than one contribution is encouraged.

Shannon said to get it to her however you prefer, so rather than posting her information for all the world to see...I will include it in the email that I will send shortly.

I am so excited...everyone I know will be so jealous that we have our own cook book! xoxo

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

San Antonio Birthday Bash!

Ladies, as I explained in a previous post I am going to be drawing names for a gift exchange during our birthday bash in San Antonio. Heidi & Stacie, you two are the only ones that have not replied in our vote-thingy on the right. You are coming, right?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Let's get (almost) naked!

Hey hotties...April wanted me to post a little ditty to remind everyone that they should plan on enjoying some sun in their fav swim suit while in San Antonio.

The pool doesn't close until after we are there for our trip, so be sure to pack your SPF alone for the flight.



Ladies, with the most recent communication regarding General Conference and our HOV weekend in San Antonio I thought I would ask our host what she thought. Now that April is back from Costa Rica, she agrees and it's official...

the NEW dates for the HOV San Antonio Escape are:

October 9-12, 2008
(Thursday - Sunday)

It seemed from everyone's comments that this was a better option (or would work either way) so I hope this doesn't effect anyone's plans to attend...we want as many of us there as possible.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to EVERYONE!

April & I have been discussing the original suggestion made that we celebrate EVERYONE'S birthday while we are in San Antonio. We think it is a great idea and want to put a little spin on it.
If you will all take notice of the poll I have created and placed on the sidebar to the right. This will tell us who is actually coming (helpful in so many ways!).

Once everyone has voted I will take all the names and put them in a hat and draw names for a gift exchange.

So quick and mark the appropriate reply in the poll to the right and check back for more details.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Save The Date...

HOV Hotties mark your calendars, a decision has been made. The dates of the 2008 HOV Get Away are:

That's right...October 2-5, 2008!

Please place a comment on this post as to the date you plan to arrive/depart. With some effort maybe we can all fly into San Antonio around the same time.

Also, our sweet Megan has suggested that if anyone would like to fly into Houston and make the drive over with her for some extra special bonding time, then let her know.

I did some checking today on AirTran and found flights for about $100 each way:

(click on the picture above to be redirected to AirTran to search for flights from your area)

And of course there is always Delta (keep Heather employed) or Greyhound (kidding!)


Love your hair...hope you win!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

drumroll please...

Without further ado, the announcement for the location of the 2008 HOV Get Away is:

After everyone's responses and conversations with most of you, it simply makes more sense to try to spend less money. Thankfully, Antonio moved our April to a fantastic town full of exciting things to do. April was a huge help in making a list of exciting sites to see. And just to name a few:

the schlitterbahn
cascade caverns
long horn cavern state park
natural bridge caverns
the beach
the alamo
tower of the americas

There are many other things we can do and see...but it's no secret that all we need is a variety bag of m&m's, chips & guacamole (in honor of our location) our HOV soundtrack and each other and we will be set. What we decide to do otherwise, will be an added bonus.

Now for the next question on the list. When shall we go? The original thought was end of summer - beginning of fall...well that fits right into October.

Tell us what you think...on the column on the right there is a poll. Please answer the question regarding which weekend works best for you.

In the mean time, you have roughly 4 months to save up your pennies for the flight/road trip and to put in for your vacation days. April's new house is just waiting for a very large group of amazing friends to break it in. I can't wait!!!

Love you all...check back often for updates!