Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Birthday Gift Exchange...yeah presents!

I am pretty sure I only have brilliant friends, so explaining how this works would only insult you. With that I will say just this:

1. Yes, I did actually put all the names on small slips of paper and draw them from a box.
2. The gf listed on the left buys for the gf listed on the right.
3. Remember, we are traveling...so as much as I would love that industrial size Kitchen Aid Mixer, I think it would not be logical.

April - Shannon

Heather - Megan

Katherine - Laura

Stacie - Katherine

Shannon - Heather

Megan - April

Laura - Lisa

Lisa - Stacie


2008 HOV Cook Book

The amazing and talented Shannon has an amazing idea and I am so very excited about it!

With our help (hint, hint) she will be putting together our very own HOV Cook Book! That being said we decided as an incentive anyone contributing will receive a cook book...so those that don't will be missing out.

April, I know it goes without saying that we need your Drunk Chicken recipe and Heather do I recall an exciting Chocolate Soup or something of the sorts from your kitchen? Either way...everyone NEEDS to contribute. EVERYONE! And don't be afraid, more than one contribution is encouraged.

Shannon said to get it to her however you prefer, so rather than posting her information for all the world to see...I will include it in the email that I will send shortly.

I am so excited...everyone I know will be so jealous that we have our own cook book! xoxo